About Broadcast Barnsley

My name’s John Kruse and I was born and raised in Barnsley, South Yorkshire in the 1960s and 1970s.  The purposes of these pages and posts is to celebrate the music of the county in the latter decade.  I was a devotee, I was a gig goer, I was a participant in the scene and I want to preserve and explore memories of the period and its trends.

If you want to comment on postings, please do; if you want to contact me e-mail jannuk25@yahoo.com.  If you want to read more, see my books on Amazon, which deal with this.

I operate two other blogs on WordPress; these are britishfairies.wordpress.com which discusses aspects of British folklore and johnkruseblog.wordpress.com which is a forum for my wider interests in the arts, history and the like.  For more details of my writing and blogging on music, as well as on a very wide range of other subjects, please see my website.

town hall